CITCO report round 8 – 15 August 2018 – Kikuoka

The 8th Citco event took place on Wednesday 15th at Kikuoka with a larger than expected turnout.

The weather was warm, wind was low so there was anticipation for some low scores. Steve B arrived hours in advance of his tee time to ensure he was suitably warmed up on the range and his swing dialled in.
You know what they say Steve, practise makes perfect….

Thanks to our starter, Franco, for the organisation, great cold beers and delicious finger food.

Now on to the golf. There was a mixture of success from the 1st tee with most people still being in play for their second shot. However one group were a little erratic, no names Mr Heath, but 3 off the tee on the first is never a good sign.
There was mention of some chatter during the back swing…but that was only for the first one…

My flight included James King and Dave Fisher which turned out to be a very good grouping with all of us being in the prizes.

Dinner was on the terrace with the standard fish n chips or steak. It was a busy night with several large groups at the club so service was as wonderful as ever. There seemed to be a real reluctance to provide any of the drinks ordered…..the wine must have
been freshy bottled the time it took to get from the bar to the table. Rob is still waiting for his fish n chips… a bit like me and the mythical FROG fleece….

Jess and James did the scoring and I did overhear one wonderful round which went a bit like this….scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, 2, 5, 4. What did I say earlier Mr Brown? “Practise makes perfect….” Hhmm maybe not always the case but apparently it was a good “2”.

Now to the prizes
LD went to Nick F with a massive drive on the 6th. Jess was close and did spend 5 minutes measuring the distance but was beaten by a few metres

NTP went to Danny K with a great shot on the par 3 7th (he missed the birdie putt though)

Leary was won by James K on the 8th. His 3rd Leary of the season

Standard scratch was 15 points with 6 people being tied on 16 points. The prizes, on countback, going to:
3rd prize Dave Fisher
2nd Prize Chris MacKenzie
1st Prize Mark Houston

The Best and Worst guest went to Will O’Shea with 3 points.

The Pink Ball was hotly contested with Dave W and Steve B in the frame with 6 points each. I believe Steve doubled his points on the 9th. Anyway Steve “practise makes perfect” B took the honours on countback.

Last points
As always a big thank you to Citco for their continued sponsorship.

The penultimate round is at Grand Ducal on 29th August with Jens Buch as your starter.

The final round is 12th September which is later than normal. The Frogmittee has asked, as a special request, if players could start earlier than usual to allow the last flights to finish in daylight. So please look at your calendars now to book that early finish. Steve B, maybe just take a half day in order to really get the practise going…

Unfortunately my competition is over this year due to travel and holidays. Good luck for the last 2 rounds and hopefully I’ll manage a game before the start of next seasons FROGS.

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