Bijnens 3 Club Challenge – Kikuoka – 21 June 2017

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On a sweltering Wednesday evening 10 Frogs contested this year’s Three Club Challenge, generously sponsored by Bijnens Beer. (order yours directly from Serge! One e-mail is all it takes and he delivers to your address, or so I am told!) Everyone gathered at the first tee to check out the protagonists’ selected weapons of choice, where we were welcomed by Colin our starter for the evening. He made sure we were well hydrated before embarking on the challenges ahead.

And challenging it was; tropical temperatures, hard, fast greens and only a few clubs to choose from! Most people did bring a putter as one of the clubs selected, hover Franco managed to use his 3-wood quite handily off the tee as well as on the putting surface.

Returning to the clubhouse terrace Serge had arranged some very fetching polo-shirts to commemorate the event. The shirt-changing ceremony did solicit a varied but generally enthusiastic reaction from the crowd! Some high-pitched shrieking from the female members of the crowd could be heard when Steve’s first polo-shirt turned out to be a little tight in places! When it was Nick’s turn they could barely contain themselves!

There was plenty of Bijnens Beer to go around to quench the thirst that was generated by our endeavours on a hot summer’s day, and several prizes to be won on the night; leary’s on the 2nd (if no-one managed to hit the green it would be contested on the 6th) and the 9th. Steve missing out on both by only the narrowest of margins. The leary went to David on the 2nd and to Serge on the 9th. As one would expect on a beer manufacturer’s sponsored event; the price was some Bijnens Beer! As Serge obviously has (free) access to this he did not claim his leary.

The overall prize was fiercely contested with 3 people coming in with 13 points. Nick lost 4th place to Mark, who in turn lost 3rd place on countback to Colin.
Simon came in with 14 points and yours truly claimed the number 1 spot for a third time with 15 points. A chip-in for birdie on the 5th for 4 points certainly helped!
Which leaves the pink ball………Serge tried his best but 9 points proved to be too good. As a result, Gerry took the honours with 7.

Now I believe this is a first: There was some live music on the terrace and lo and behold: We all witnessed a dancing Frog! Simon Baker showed us some sharp moves that certainly impressed a local damsel…… Is this going to be trend, I wonder?

All in all; it was a very enjoyable event, thanks to our starter Colin, and of course our generous sponsor Serge Bijnens!
See you all next week in Preisch!


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