Report – CITCO round 2 – Preisch – 11 May 2016
24 or so intrepid FROGS set out on an adventure to the land of fois gras, snails and, heaven forbid, frogs’ legs even if it was to play Luxembourg and just a Fred Sudret drive over the border to play the second round of the CITCO Grand Prix.
Thanks to Chris Juste for getting everyone off on time even though he couldn’t stay for the results and dinner. You can have your reward next time.
Scoring was the usual Froggie mix with a standard scratch of 14.
Botty was out in the first flight and almost cleaned up claiming the NTP and the Leary. The longest drive going to Ayzo.
Winning with 18 points and about to be drastically cut was the aforementioned Fred who beat Botty into second place with 17 points. Gregor snuck into 3rd place on his own with 16. The lucky FROGS in 4th and 5th place winning prizes due to Botty’s all round golfing luck (sorry ability) were Arnaud and Luc both with 15 points.
The usual suspects were up for the pink ball: Jess a sparkling 7, Drunken a slightly less sparking 6 but the clear winner in the absence of Jonny D was the KPMG Most Honest Golfer Colin Cameron with a wonderful 5. Clearly the prize of a lesson with Jonas from KPMG wasn’t sufficient.
Several Stibbe matchplay results to report:
Stephane beat Nick 1st extra hole
Lux beat Peter 2&1
Simon beat Ayzo 1 up
Colin beat Mark w/o
The only thunder that threatened play came on the 9th hole were Johan have fought from 3 up with 4 to play against yours truly managed to sneak a ten at the last having been just short of the green in 2 to lose. Johan, as Botty said in his masterful presentation speech we promise never to mention this again.
The next CITCO Grand Prix is this Wednesday at K-ikuoka. Your starter will be Richard Neale.
Keep playing the matchplays.
Following Dave Fisher’s (one of the FROGS founder members) attendance in CITCO Grand Prix round 1 it was noted that another founder member was regretfully overlooked. We are more than happy to correct this and welcome Mike Lowe as an honorary FROG joining Dave and Dave Moody.