Fourth CITCO event – results
The Frogs played the front nine at Preisch tonight. Albeit the good conditions, no one managed more than 17 points. However, it was a six-way tie!
Tonight’s results:
1. Mark Gillies 17 points
2. John Sutherland 17 points (first time he’s among the winners!)
3. Tim van Dijk 17 points
Jess, Craig and Bart – also on 17 points – were left in the dust, but will of course be cut severely!
Nearest Pin: Craig Ferreira
Longest Drive: Christian Christensen
Worst score: Paul Goes
Best Guest: Christian Christensen.
The complete scores, updated handicaps etc. will be sent out shortly and the CITCO leaderboard will be updated accordingly.
Several SHRM matchplay matches took place tonight as well. The updated sheet is available here.
Next outing is next week – Thursday the 19 June – away day in Saarbrücken. Address:
Golf-Club Saarbrücken e.V.
Oberlimberger Weg
D-66798 Wallerfangen
Phone: +49 68 37 91 800.
Driving instructions are available on their web site.